January 23, 1991

The Nomination Letter Arrives

United States Peace Corps
Mission, Kansas 66202

Mark Hager
331 N 17th
Manhattan, KS 66502

Dear Mark,

Congratulations! We succeeded in nominating you f or the U.S. Peace Corps assignment area called Secondary Education/Math. Your program number is 173-91-04,01. Keep the program name and number handy; you may need them in future contacts with us. Remember, this is not an invitation; you are still competing with other applicants for the same skill area, but you have taken a major step in becoming a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer.

It has been a pleasure working with you and we in Kansas City want to continue to be your main link with Peace Corps and assist you in any way we can. For that reason, I would like you to call me in a few weeks so I can answer any question you have and hear how you are doing with the selection process.

Your application has been forwarded to the Evaluation Unit in Washington, DC, where references and other information will be collected. You will receive a letter regarding the status of your application as soon as a decision on your eligibility has been made. If you have not already done so, please contact your references to ensure that they will complete the reference form and return it to the Evaluation Unit in Washington, DC. One of the main reasons for delay in applicant processing is the late return of the enclosed fingerprint chart, background form, and references.

If you are found eligible, your application will be forwarded from the Evaluation Unit to the Placement Office. Your application will be considered along with those of other candidates for the position(s) in which you expressed an interest. You should realize that not all candidates meet the criteria for becoming a Trainee. Often, there are more eligible applicants for a position than can be invited. In these cases, you may be asked to consider another assignment or wait for future openings. As some point you will be asked to take a medical/dental examination and file an application for a passport. We will send you the forms and instructions later in the placement process.

Circumstances may arise that prevent you from fulfilling your commitment. If this occurs, please notify us immediately so that we can attempt to recruit another candidate.

If you need information about your application status, or want to add information to your file such as change of address, availability date, or marital status, you may call us toll free at 800-424-8580, Ext. 2224. Any member of the Evaluation Unit will be glad to assist you.

Lastly, keep a copy of all papers mailed in case something is lost or misplaced. Peace Corps in Washington, DC, will attempt to issue invitations at least two months before your Training start date. Do not make final plans to stop what you are doing (i.e., quit your job, sell your house/car, etc.) until a final invitation is issued. All forms must be completed before Washington staff will review your file.

We hope to help you complete the above procedures with a minimum of delay and error. Remember, we are available to assist you and want you to keep us informed of any problems you may encounter, any final decisions made and of any invitations extended to you.

Good luck!


Derek Stanfill
U.S. Peace Corps Representative