September 18, 1991

A Request from Bob

Department of Regional and Community Planning
College of Architecture and Design
302 Seaton Hall
Manhattan, Kansas 66506-2910


TO: Eric Becker, Wesley Ray, Mark Hager and Mark Horrigan

FROM: Bob Burns

RE: Essays on "community service"

Some time ago I asked each of you to write a reflective essay on "community service" to be placed in the collection of assigned readings for the spring 1992 Community Service Program Seminar at Kansas State University. I greatly appreciate your willingness to do so, and believe that class members will gain from the insights you share with them.

As you know, the CSP seminar comprises weekly sessions to help student teams prepare for their two-month summer projects in Kansas communities. These sessions focus on such topics as the concepts of "community"; community development; team-building; conflict management; and survey preparation, administration and evaluation. Readings shall be assigned for each topic. Your essays shall be assigned for the "wrap-up" session, traditionally presented by the CSP founder, Dr. Marvin Kaiser, Associate Dean of the KSU College of Arts and Sciences and Director of the Kansas Center for Rural Initiatives.

The intent is for your essays to be personal observations and musings on community service and civic responsibility. The "slant" you decide to take and the essay length (five to ten pages?) are up to you. I would be happy to discuss ideas.

Thank you for your willingness to undertake this task. We appreciate very much your contribution to the education of our students.

cc: Carol Peak, Director, Community Service Program